GMS Electives
Regular Grade Level Electives:
Choir Registration Form - Mrs. Thomas:
Interested in working on the Yearbook? Please contact Mr. Newell:
7th and 8th Graders Only:
Video Announcements Interest Video
Video Announcement Interest/Application Form - Mrs. Shackelford:
Advanced Drama Application - Mrs. Boydstun:
ASB Application Process and Teacher Recommendation 2024-2025 - Ms. Pettit:
8th Graders Only:
Advanced STEM* - Mr. Shackelford:
*To apply for Adv STEM, email Mr. Shackelford from your school email with Advanced STEM Application in the subject line and your reason for wanting to be in Adv STEM in the body. Application emails will be accepted from March 8th through March 22nd.
BRIDGE Buddy Application - Counselors
Teacher Aide Application - Counselors
Office Aide Application - Counselors
Peer Buddy, Teacher Aide, and Office Aide Applications will also be available on the bookshelf outside the counseling offices.
Please direct questions about the specifics of each course and/or application process to the teachers via the emails listed above.
Interested in being a GMS Peer Tutor during Advisement? Click HERE