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Health Office


District Site Nurse:  Karen Dillon RN

Site Health Clerk:  Lara Kiester

Hello, my name is Lara Kiester and I am the Health Clerk here at Gardner Middle School.  Our site RN is Karen Dillon, she is at GMS on Monday and Thursdays. We would like to take this opportunity to remind Parents and students regarding using and keeping medicine at our school. 



 Students that require to wear a cast, brace or sling and/or need to use crutches or a wheelchair during school hours require a physician authorization form.

 The- Physical Activity Recommendation for Students with Orthopedic Appliance/Equipment form -  needs to be filled out and signed by your physician before the student can return to school.

  The forms is available in the health office or click on the following link:Orthopedic Appliance - Equipment authorization form.pdf




 Check with your doctor and make sure your student is up to date on all immunizations.  There have been a couple of changes in the last couple years. 

 All students entering the 7th grade will need proof of a Tdap booster shot before starting school. For those student's currently in 6th grade, please get your Tdap before the summer and turn in a copy of your child's immunization records to the health office.

If you choose to not have your child immunized, please contact your doctor's office and have them sign a Medical Waiver prior to the start of school. Under a new law known as SB 277, beginning January 1, 2016 exemptions based on personal beliefs, including religious beliefs, will no longer be an option for the vaccines that are currently required for entry into child care or school in California.  Most families will not be affected by the new law because their children have received all required vaccinations. Personal beliefs exemptions on file for a child already attending child care or school will remain valid until the child reaches the next immunization checkpoint at kindergarten (including transitional kindergarten) or 7th grade. 

For more information about SB 277, please see the Frequently Asked Questions available at: Shots for Schools Webpage.

Hepatitis B immunization is now required. This is a series of 3 shots. The second shot is given no sooner than 30 days after the 1st shot is received. Then wait a minimum of 4 months before getting the 3rd shot.

Varicella (Chicken Pox):  For Students coming from out of State.  Children under 13 years need proof of having had the disease or they need 1 vaccine.  Children over 13 years need proof of having had the disease or 2 vaccines.

Click on the following link: Immunization.Requirements.2012-2013.9.12.pdf

 For more information about school immunization requirements and resources, please visit the California Department of Public Health’s website at , or contact your local health department or county office of education.

Thank you for helping us to keep our children and community healthy.




"Healthy students learn better." Although it is important for students to be at school every day, the health staff would like to review the general guidelines for students coming to school. Please take a few moments to read the following protocols.

 Students should not be sent to school with the symptoms listed below:

  • Fever (100 or above)
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea with or without vomiting
  • Pain that is not controlled
  • Flu symptoms
  • Infectious Conjunctivitis (pink eye). This requires a physician's visit.

Students may return to school:

  • Fever free for 24 hours
  • Diarrhea free for 24 hours
  • No vomiting for the last 24 hours
  • Infectious Conjunctivitis (pink eye) when antibiotic treatment has been administered for at least 24 hours and symptoms have subsided.

Students with injuries requiring the use of wheelchairs, medical authorization form.pdf crutches, splints, braces, or casts require a physician's note and an indication of when they are able to resume regular activities. These students will be restricted from contact sports and other designated activities on the playground. Orthopedic Appliance - Equipment authorization form.pdf

Due to unexpected illnesses and emergencies, current work, home, and cell phone numbers are important to our school. Please take the time to update any changes in your personal phone numbers and emergency contact numbers.

Thank you for helping keep our school healthy and safe.



If your student requires medication at school, Education code 49423 states that any medication, physician ordered or over the counter medication, MUST be accompanied by the “Authorization for the Administration of Medication form”, with both the physician and parent signatures. Click on the following: medical authorization form.pdf  or, you can request this form from your the health office. The specific dosage, time to be taken, and reason for medication, must be specified clearly on the form as well.

All prescription and over-the-counter medication requires a physician authorization form signed by the parent and the physician PRIOR to the student beginning taking his or her medication. Prescription medications must be in the original container, and labeled by the pharmacy with the necessary information. If necessary, you can request another labeled container from your pharmacy for school.  Over the counter medications must also be in an original, unopened container, marked with your student’s name.A new form must be signed for each new school year.

In Middle School students are allowed to carry Asthma inhalers on them, however, only with a doctors note on file in the Health Office.  Any and all other medication needs to be kept in the health office.  Cough drops may be carried.

If you drop of any medications at the health office, please make sure the signed doctor's orders are attached. Without orders, we can NOT give students their medications during school hours.  A student may be excused from P.E. with a parent note for three days. Anything longer requires a doctor's note.

Click here to print the required form: medical authorization form.pdf



A student who is diagnosed with a concussion must provide documentation from a physician, stating that he/she is able to return to school, as well state any physical exercise limitation and the duration deemed necessary. For more information on symptoms and warning signs of concussion, please click here: concussion information.pdf




Flu season has arrived, the easiest way to prevent a virus from spreading is by washing your hands. Have a talk with your child about the importance of washing your hands multiple times a day.  The general rule of thumb is to scrub for 20 seconds and to dry well afterwards. If we all apply this simple technique daily we can prevent germs from spreading. 



Please make sure you children are eating a healthy breakfast before coming to school.  This will help them to concentrate and be more productive/successful students.  Also getting them to go outside and "play" instead of playing video games will help ensure good health habits in their adult years.

Please contact us with any questions or concerns at 951-699-0080 ext. 2606. 

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